Jellyfish and fish(bone) in various techniques. Fascinating pattern and colours Broken Ocean VII, mixed-media installation pictures, watercolour, acrylic and objects, 40 x 120 cm Details Broken Ocean VI 30 x 60 cm Details mixed-media installation pictures, watercolour, acrylic and objects, Broken Ocean V, mixed-media installation pictures, watercolour, acrylic and objects, 100 x 70 cm Broken weiterlesen...
Paintings, created from stripes of impressions, arranged one below the other tell the story about a journey to the ocean Coastal towns, places by the sea, houses with character, that seem to have a face, tell their own story Crovie I, Scotland, 160 x 50 cm, water colour mixed media on canvas
What is typical about a place, what makes it special? Recurring pattern in the form of roofs, windows, timbering… Wuzhen China, 70 x 100 cm, water colour mixed media on canvas
Stones, on the beach, at the water’s edge, under water… Scotish stones, 63 x 63 cm, watercolour mixed media on canvas At the water’s edge, 96 x 63 cm, watercolour mixed media on canvas New Zealand stones I, 63 x 30 cm, watercolour mixed media on canvas New Zealand stones II, III and IV, each weiterlesen...
Reynisfjara, Iceland: black beach of volcanic origin Reynisfjara Beach I, oil on canvas, 50 x 160 cm Reynisfjara Beach II, oil and lace imprint on canvas, 50 x 160 cm Reynisfjara Beach III, oil and tissue paper on canvas, 50 x 160 cm Reynisfjara Beach IV, pastel on paper covered canvas, 30 x 90 cm weiterlesen...
Wood relief sculptures, partly painted, are telling tales from the sea. Limewood, watercolour, gouache, oiled Lighthouse, 30 x 17 x 9 cm Norway, 24 x 10 x 7 cm “Argh”, 19 x 9 x 9 cm 3 wave crests, 7 x 19 x 4 cm Fishmouth, 15 x 15 x 7 cm Dream castle, 15 weiterlesen...
Drawings in Pencil and graphite powder #Save the Ocean: a continuous series of messages, drawn in the sand near the waters edge Graphite and acrylic 8 Fish, 50 x 22 cm, graphite on stone paper 12 Fish, 81 x 28 cm, graphite on stone paper Graphite scetch Would you like to have a personal message weiterlesen...
Gallery Folke Lindenblatt
Paintings and sculptures, illustrations
Tales from the sea and elsewhere
in water colour mixed media, oil und acrylic, graphite, woodcut and wood relief sculpture, tell about: Sea creatures and water crafts, houses and harbours, waves and beaches, sand und stones… A journey into the world of form and colour, such abundance …
Waves The fascination of the breaking wave
Tales from elsewhere tell about different places, about houses, roofs and windows, about pattern and structures
Sea creatures Real and fictional, serious and comical
Geological and botanical Delve into detail, forms, colours, pattern
Tales from the sea told in “strippe images”, in unusual formats and perspectives
Beaches Border between land and ocean
Drawn in the sand Bizarre fish, messages, pattern, ideas
Sculptures and installations Wood relief sculptures, cubes and more
In my paintings I like to experiment. I mix techniques and painting media and work on various painting grounds. In water colour mixed media for example I use apart from water colour also oil pastels, pencils, graphite powder, gouache und free pigments. As a painting ground I use Torchon carton, specially primed canvas or wood cubes. I also work in acrylic and oil.
My wood cuts are printed on stone paper with lino printing ink and/or specially mixed paints. Often I prime the stone paper with acrylic or oil paint. Multicoloured prints are either produced with several printing blocks or with the technique of the “lost form”. Further information about the different techniques can be found in the blog.
My wood relief sculptures are carved in limewood. They are partly painted and oiled.
Scientific illustrations
in graphite und gouache for science books, publications, posters, information material.